Art and Antiques Magazine 2008 Lot of 3 L17C
Precio: 20 $
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Art and Antiques Magazine 2008 Lot of 3 L17C
Precio: 20 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Precio: 2,99 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Precio: 3,27 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Precio: 89 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
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silla antigua restaurada planchas antiguas sillon luis xvi comoda antigua marmol lago titicaca oleo antiguo oleo tela balanza farmacia maquina escribir remington bronce figuras estatuillas antiguas biblioteca antigua pelotitas pelotero medallas virgenThe Appraisal And Insurance Of Fine Art And Antiqu
Precio: 49 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Impresión artística antigua original de Salomón SA
Betrayed by his lover Delilah, who, (sent by the Philistines officials to entice him,) orders a servant to cut his hair while he is sleeping and turns him over to his enemies, who gouge out his eyes and force him to grind grain in...
Precio: 8 277 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Catalogue of Chinese Art and Antiques Peking Deale
Houo Paul Ming-tse: PREUVES DES ANTIQUITES DE CHINE. Du Proprietaire de la Ta-Kou-Tchai. Peking, 1930. 711 pp. Numerous b/w illustrations and plates. 40x28 cm. Paper.Privately-published account of all aspects of Chinese antiquitie...
Precio: 636 543 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
A Passion for Collecting : Decorating with Art and
Gorgeous book! In very good condition.
Precio: 6 816 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Lote de 7 impresiones de poema enmarcadas con gráf
Antique motto print lot. A couple will need new nails/hangers on the back. Overall very good condition. Sold As Is.
Precio: 68 160 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Mire estos anuncios interesantes relacionados con "Arte y antigüedades"
carbon quebracho blanco thonet cencerros lp mesa ratona luis xv sillones estilo luis xv1754 Antique Art Book "The Art of Painters: Lives
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Estado del artículo: Usado
Raro Antiguo Arco Iris Crayones por The Art Crayon
Brooklyn NY Box and Crayons. This is the "Rainbow Crayons" set No. 816. It advertises on one side “Wax Crayons for Art Work, Permanent, Waterproof, Distinct, Manufactured by ‘The Art Crayon Co. Inc.’ Brooklyn N.Y., Made in U.S.A” ...
Precio: 23 982 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
ART and ANTIQUES Magazine December 2002 Jane Leona
ON THE COVER: An untitled 1989 Cindy Sherman photograph gazes out into the garden at Jane and Leonard Korman 's Florida residence. Collecting Lynn and Jerry Myers' ceramics collection is electric and delightfully off-kilter.
Precio: 16 358 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
ART and ANTIQUES Magazine December 1997 Hans Holbe
COVER: HANS HOLBEIN the Younger A Lady with a Squirrel, Circa 1526-28. Essay: Stanley Spencer Barrymore Laurence Scherer One might call the British painter Stanley Spencer a fool for love--part visionan-.
Precio: 16 358 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
ART and ANTIQUES November 1996 Jasper Johns Marine
DECIPHERING THE HAND OF LEONARDO Stephen Jernzanok The Codex Leicester, Leonardo's greatest contribution to science, has Fascinated readers for 500 years. Now, with the help of new technology, its intricate secrets are revealed to...
Precio: 16 358 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Art and Antiques Magazine summer 1987
Overall good condition with some creases. Some tears. Listed by David.
Precio: 18 247 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
1790 Antique Navigation Book "Epitome of the Whole
Precio: 438 169 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Antigua postal de 'Jeroglíficos de Maudlen', arte,
Precio: 2 473 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Antiguo marco de arte popular con 9 tipos de lata
Ambros and one worn dag.
Precio: 384 615 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Antique World's Columbian Exposition Art and Archi
Antique World's Columbian Exposition Art and Architecture Books 1893 Worlds Fair - 2 Large and Heavy books. You get two books; Book 1 is ART, Book 2 is Architecture. The pages are nice color (almost white) and beautiful, while the...
Precio: 243 427 $
Estado del artículo: Usado